Red Hill Dental Appointments
Appointment Booking Terms & Conditions
Appointment cancellation or reschedule: Your appointment time has been exclusively reserved for you. We respectfully request that you provide 48 hours notice should you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment time. A cancellation fee will be charged when the appointment is missed or when the 48-hour notice has not been provided. All cancellations and reschedules need to be advised by telephone during business hours.
Six months pre-booking for routine check-up & clean: As our appointment schedule can get very busy, many of our patients like to pre-book their routine dental check-up & clean six months in advance. We will send you an email on the day that the appointment is made, and reminders approximately 3 weeks prior to your appointment. Due to the nature of the six months pre-booking, there can be changes in the clinician or your appointment time 6 months later. We will endeavour to let you know of the changes as soon as possible. In return, we ask you to please contact our office at your earliest convenience if you need to cancel or reschedule, so that we may offer the appointment to a patient in need.